Sunday, December 27, 2009

Season's greetings - New Year - What's ahead for 2010


I wish everyone a very happy new year!

I just started wondering how the IT buiness world is going to look like in the year 2010 and beyond...what challenges lies ahead of are we going to do better with less is what it comes to my mind...

Top 5 challenges IT may need to deal with it in 2010 and beyod..

1. On-demand IT services (Software as a service) are going to play a major role in reducing IT costs. There will not be a traditional software licencing any more, more and more companies will adapt on-deamnd services. Some of the services in that direction are data center virtualization, cloud computing, green IT etc.

2. Lean Project Management will emerge as a new concept. The products have shorter lifecycles, and we have no time to go after a full-blown project management approach, instead project management will be a key enabler and planner to increase the efficiency and outcome of the products ontime at shorter periods have never seen before.

3. Virtual workforce, Paper less environment will contribute to the green revolution. Estimated roughly about 150 million Americans drive to their workplaces, imagine even if we cut-back by 20% on commute, the impact on the environment is phenominal

4.  Healthcare and life sciences will become a major target in revamping and making it affordable to the common public. There will be enormous amount of global competition for the drug makers to keep the costs low and R&D would become a major outsourcing segment in the industry

5. Niche IT services players will play a key role in the IT services market, it will be tough road ahead for global gaints to attract top talent due to their complex business structures. Top talent would need a lot of room for quick growth, and that puts the global gaints in a tough spot

Once again, I wish every one a very happy and prosperous new year

Sameer Penakalapati


Binesh Bharathan said...

Virtual workforce :).....I Could smell the future..Good One

Madhavi Nimma said...

Good one!!! Let's get ready for the challenges....

Ramesh said...

What I learned over the past year you have summarised all important aspects in a easy digestable pill, i think these kind of valuble info wouldnt be found in just one book, it needs lot of reading, The thought to share these valuable insights makes us feel great....please keep posting .....thks